Pane kentang cina .باتيه البطاطا الصينية 2024.

Pane kentang cina

باتيه ط§ظ„ط¨ط·ط§ط·ط§ الصينية


1/4daging sapi
Bawang Bombay kecil
Sedikit daun bawang
Berapa test kecap
Garm –minyak
1st jahe diparut
2siung bawang putih
1st merica hitam

Cara membuat

Tumis bawang Bombay,daun bawang dgn sedikit minyak lalu masukan daging ,rembah ,jahe,bawang putih kecap dan garm dan diaduk sampai matang .rebus kentang dgn garm lalu dihaluskan dgn 2sm susu cair .olesi Loyang dgn sedikit mentega dan tepung roti
lalu masukan separoh adonan kentang lalu masukan daging dan di atasnya ditutup dgn sisa kentang dan ditaruh di atasnya sedikit mentega ..masukan oven (api atas dan dawn)selama 10 menit sampai sat .di hidangkan tambahkan jagun dan Lombok merah.


Pane kentang cina>>>fhjdi hgf’h’h hgwdkdm

Hot chicken pane تشكن بانيه الحار 2024.

Hot chicken pane

تشكن ط¨ط§ظ†ظٹظ‡ الحار


4 pieces chicken breasts
1 onion slices
2 tomatoes slices
1 cold paper slices
2 Lobs garlic slices

Chicken ingredients
1 yogurt + 2 lobs garlic mince + 1 vinegar + small spoon cumin+ black pepper + soya sauce + salt + spoon of Winchester sauce + dried red paper + paprika)

For covering: white flour+ Rusk

Method of Preparation

Cut the chicken medium cubes, then put them in a bowel then add the spicy ingredients, and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.
Then dip them in the Rusk and flour, then fried them, and keep it on side.
Grape a pan and add Oil in it, then put the onion , the garlic , the tomato, the paper, stir them well , then add big spoon of ketchup , black pepper , and dash of cumin , and half of magi cube, with dash of dried red pepper , stir them , then add the fried cubs chicken .
Cover it and leave it for five minutes, then serve it.

page: 322

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