Balah Al Sham بلح الشام 2024.

Balah Al Sham

بلح الشام


1 glass Water
½ Glass Oil
4 Eggs
1 table spoon Sugar
Dash of Vanilla

Method of Preparation

Put the oil and the water on the oven , when it start boiling add the flour and the sugar , and stir it well, until its stuck together , and leave it to be cold.
After that put it in the dough machine and add the eggs one by one, until you got the soft dough, then put in the corn or sweet bag , and shape it as its known , then deep fried them , add the shira , and serve it with coffee.

page: 282

Balah Al Sham fgp hgahl

الله يعطيكـِ العافيه يارب
يعآفيك ربي لآهنتِ ع الآنتقآء المتميز

Balach sham .بلح الشام 2024.

Balach sham

بلح الشام


1 gls air .
1/2 gls minyak .
1 1/2 gls terigu .
4 butir telor .
1 sm gula .
Sedikit vanilla .

Cara membuat

Rebus air dan minyak sampai men didih lalu masukan terigu dan gula aduk 2 sampai adonan rata dan tinggalkan sampai dingin . lalu kocok dgn kocokan cake masukan telor satu persatu sampai jadi adonan yg lembut lalu masukan ke alat penyemprot . semprot dan potong 2 lalu goreng sampai agak merah dan siram air gula ( shira ) siap untuk di hidangkan .


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