Chicken butter زبدة الدجاج 2024.

Chicken butter

زبدة الدجاج


Chicken breast
4 big spoons yogurt
1 small spoon hot sauce
1 small spoon dried coriander
1 small spoon grounded ginger+ small spoon garlic mince
1 big spoon lemon juice
3 big spoons tomato paste
2 small spoons sugar
2 big spoons cream or double cream
2 big spoons butter

Method of Preparation

Spice the Chicken pieces with salt, hot sauce, cumin, and the Coriander, the ginger, the garlic, and lemon juice and the yogurt for one hour.
Mix the tomato, the sugar, and the cream, then melt the butter in the pot, and add the spice Chicken on it, and leave it until the water s dried
, then add the tomato mixture on it, stir well , then add the glass of water , keep it for tem minutes, or until the Chicken is done , then serve it with rice or bread..

page: 333

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