(Chinese Soup (2 الشوربة الصينية 2024.

(Chinese Soup (2

الشوربة ط§ظ„طµظٹظ†ظٹط© (2)


Boneless Chicken (small pieces)
Carrot s small pieces
Small can Mushroom
1 Magi cube+ Butter +2 Big Table spoons Flour

Method of Preparation

Boil the chicken in a pot, and in another pot melt the butter on the oven, then add the flour on it
Add it with chicken, then beat it with the egg mixer until its melt, then add the carrot, the mushroom, the magi, and the salt.
Leave it on the oven for fifteen minutes or less , then mix the corn flour with the water , add the milk , and stir it on the ingredients, stir it well , and leave it for fife minuets.

page: 378

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