Tortilla Bread خبز التورتيلا 2024.

Tortilla Bread

خبز التورتيلا


2 Glass Flour + 1+1/4 Table spoon Biking powder + ¾ Glass Warm Water ¼ Tea spoon Salt + 2 Table spoon Margarine
Staffing (as you desire)
Shredded Cheese
Or Leaver roasted with Onion + Green paper +Tomato + Spices
Or Green Salt with Tomato + cucumber + Cabbage + Grilled Meat

Method of Preparation

Knead The dough ingredients together , leave it for a while , then start shape it like balls, spread flour on it , and stretch it with rolling pin like a circle , put it in a pan on hot fire , turn it on the two sides , then you can stuff it with any kind from the stuffing you like , cut it into half , or triangle , or circles , and serve it hot…

page: 132

Tortilla Bread of. hgj,vjdgh

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