PIZZA with FRENCH BREAD البيتزا بالخبز الفرنسي 2024.


البيتزا ط¨ط§ظ„ط®ط¨ط² الفرنسي


1 Onion medium (fine mince)
3 Garlic lube (fine mince)
¾ Table spoon Olive oil
1 Kg Tomatoes (it has to be mushy, peeled, and fine mince)
Salt (as desire)
½ pack Ketchup
1 Tea spoon dried green Thyme
Dash White pepper
Mozzarella cheese shredded
Green paper + Mushrooms+ sausages + Olives
French BREAD cut

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion , the garlic in the olive oil , then add the tomato on it , the salt and leave it to be cooked , after that you add the ketchup and the thyme, and stir them..
Put the paper in a pot with boil water inside it and salt , and leave it for 15 minutes , cut the sausage, the olives and the mushrooms, and prepare the FRENCH BREAD , drill it little from inside so you can put the stuffing there, start putting the tomato stuffed , then add the olive, the mushroom , the sausage , and paper , spread on them the cheese , put it in the oven after you tern it from up , take it out and serve it hot…

page: 123

PIZZA with FRENCH BREAD hgfdj.h fhgof. hgtvksd

Alberata bread خبز البراتا 2024.

Alberata bread

خبز البراتا


3 glasses brown bread
1/4 glass oil
(Salt (as desire

Method of Preparation

Prepare the stuffing by mixing it together, then spread it out and stuff it, close the edges on top of each other, then flop it again from the edge like scroll shape, then spread it out, roast it in the pan from the both sides.

page: 319

Alberata bread of. hgfvhjh

Barata bread with potato stuffing خبز البراتا بحشوة . 2024.

Barata bread with potato stuffing

خبز ط§ظ„ط¨ط±ط§طھط§ ط¨ط­ط´ظˆط© البطاطس


For bread
2+1/2 brown flour + 1 glass water + 1/4 spoon salt+ 6 spoons oil

Boiled potatoes shredded and add salt on it and two spoons vinegar, and green mince coriander and 1/2 spoon turmeric and powder hot sauce.

Method of Preparation

For dough
Mix all with hands or mixer until it becomes one piece, and then roll it like medium balls.
Cover it to rest for en minuets, ten hold each ball and roll it in the brown flour, and spread it like circle.

For stuffing: mix all together and roll it like balks , and stuff the dough with them, then close the dough edges , and outspread it again like circle.

Heat the Saj or a regale pan and roast the bread from the both sides, and it will be puffing from inside, and serve it.

page: 315

Barata bread with potato stuffing of. hgfvhjh fpa,m >>>>>

Indian burry bread خبز البوري الهندي 2024.

Indian burry bread

خبز ط§ظ„ط¨ظˆط±ظٹ الهندي


3 glass flour
1 bar salt butter
3 small spoons salt
2 small spoons cumin+2 small spoons black pepper +1 letter oil

Method of Preparation

Knead the flour, then heat the butter, then add the ingredients together, roast the cumin until you start smell it, then grounded, and add on the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough by adding the water, until it start being solid and round, keep it to rest, then divided into small balls, then spread them out, and make halls in it with fork, then deep fried them, and serve it.

page: 309

Indian burry bread of. hgf,vd hgik]d

الخــبز الأسمــر brown bread من nono moon 2024.

الخبز الأسمر
لذيذ مع الجبنه واللبنه
ينفع لأصحاب الحميه

/ المقادير /

2 3/4 كأس دقيق أسمر
1/4 كأس حليب بودره
11/4 كأس ماء دافئ
2 ملعقة طعام زيت
ملعقة طعام خميره
ملعقة طعام سكر
ملعقة شاي بيكنج بودر
قليل من الملح

/ الطريقه /

يذوب السكر والخميره فى الماء
يضاف الحليب , الملح ,البيكنج بودر والطحين ويخلط
تعمل حفره بوسط الدقيق ويوضع الزيت والماء المذوب معاه الخميره ويعجن لنحصل على عجينه
وتترك تتخمرمدة ساعه

يدهن قالب ويرش بالدقيق وتوضع فيه العجينه ويمسح الوجه بالحليب السائل ويرش بالسمسم ويترك 1/4 ساعه ليتضاعف حجمها

وبعدها يدخل الفرن سبق تسخينه حتى ينضج
شكله بعد ما نضج

شكله على جنب

يعدها يترك ليبرد ويقطع

حلاة السمسم فوقه

شكله من الداخل طريي


hgoJJf. hgHslJJv brown bread lk nono moon

ماشاء الله

خبز مميز بشكله المنتفخ واللذيذ والرائع

ربي يسعدك دنيا واخره

شكلو حلو ماشاء الله يعطيكي العافيه
روعه ماشاءالله تبارك الله تسلم الايادي
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Quickly Saj bread خبز الصاج السريع 2024.

Quickly Saj bread

خبز ط§ظ„طµط§ط¬ السريع


2 spoons oil
1 big glass flour
1/2 glass water

Method of Preparation

Knead all the ingredients together, then divided into five sections, and keep it o rest, heat the Saj and paint it with oil, spread out each ball, and flip it on the Saj on the other side.
Serve it with masala and carry.

page: 311

Quickly Saj bread of. hgwh[ hgsvdu

PIZZA with FRENCH BREAD البيتزا بالخبز الفرنسي 2024.


البيتزا ط¨ط§ظ„ط®ط¨ط² الفرنسي


1 Onion medium (fine mince)
3 Garlic lube (fine mince)
¾ Table spoon Olive oil
1 Kg Tomatoes (it has to be mushy, peeled, and fine mince)
Salt (as desire)
½ pack Ketchup
1 Tea spoon dried green Thyme
Dash White pepper
Mozzarella cheese shredded
Green paper + Mushrooms+ sausages + Olives
French BREAD cut

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion , the garlic in the olive oil , then add the tomato on it , the salt and leave it to be cooked , after that you add the ketchup and the thyme, and stir them..
Put the paper in a pot with boil water inside it and salt , and leave it for 15 minutes , cut the sausage, the olives and the mushrooms, and prepare the FRENCH BREAD , drill it little from inside so you can put the stuffing there, start putting the tomato stuffed , then add the olive, the mushroom , the sausage , and paper , spread on them the cheese , put it in the oven after you tern it from up , take it out and serve it hot…

page: 146

PIZZA with FRENCH BREAD hgfdj.h fhgof. hgtvksd

Tortilla Bread خبز التورتيلا 2024.

Tortilla Bread

خبز التورتيلا


2 Glass Flour + 1+1/4 Table spoon Biking powder + ¾ Glass Warm Water ¼ Tea spoon Salt + 2 Table spoon Margarine
Staffing (as you desire)
Shredded Cheese
Or Leaver roasted with Onion + Green paper +Tomato + Spices
Or Green Salt with Tomato + cucumber + Cabbage + Grilled Meat

Method of Preparation

Knead The dough ingredients together , leave it for a while , then start shape it like balls, spread flour on it , and stretch it with rolling pin like a circle , put it in a pan on hot fire , turn it on the two sides , then you can stuff it with any kind from the stuffing you like , cut it into half , or triangle , or circles , and serve it hot…

page: 132

Tortilla Bread of. hgj,vjdgh

Nan bread خبز النان 2024.

Nan bread

خبز النان


1 glass white flour
1/2 tea spoon instant yeast melt in 1/4 glass warm water + 1/4 tea spoon sugar, and leave it to double it size and puff
1/2 glass yogurt
1/4 bar melt butter
2 big spoons mince coriander
1/2 tea spoon salt
1/2 glass milk
Water if needed

Method of Preparation

Mix all the ingredients then add the milk slowly, and knead well, by using the hands and fingers , keep it to double it size, devised into balls, spread out each one like the picture , put it inside the oven and roasted , then take it out and paint it with butter and serve it hot with tea.

page: 312

Nan bread of. hgkhk

MALLAWI MORACO BREAD خبز ملاوي مغربي 2024.


خبز ظ…ظ„ط§ظˆظٹ مغربي


1 Glass white Flour +3 Glasses Brown Flour
1 medium spoon Salt + 1 medium spoon instant Yeast
2 Table spoon from (butter + margarine + oil) + 2 Glasses water

Method of Preparation

Knead the both flour with the salt , and the yeast , with adding the water slowly , after that rub the pastry on soft surface , and divided into two balls , then mix the butter with the margarine ,and paint the surface that you going to stretch the paste on it ..
Stretch each ball and stretch it more with the hand so will make the length taller, then paint it with the oil, butter, margarine mixture, then close the edges on each other , and paint it again , and close it the same way like before, and stretch it from the middle then the edges so it will be taller, then start to twist it like scroll while painting every roll , and try to press by fingers before you roll it, and try to back forward the scroll shape so it will be taller, continue rolling until you reach the other end , and fix it on top, leave on the side ..And do the same for the others…
Now dip the first roll in the brown flour and try to press on it by your hand , start from the middle and circling movement until you reach the edge, and becomes more thinner , now fried it from both sides after it’s done press on it by hand so the inner layers will open ..Serve it hot with liquid cheese or with butter and honey…

page: 122

MALLAWI MORACO BREAD of. lgh,d lyvfd