TUNA SALAD سلطة التونة 2024.


سلطة التونة


2 Cans Tuna
1 Pieces Cucumber cut it into cubes
1 small Tomatoes cut it into cubes
Green paper cut it into cubes
3 rod Green Onion sliced
½ Glass black olives
Carrots shredded
3 leafs lettuce fine slices

Salad dressing

3 table spoon Olive oil
2 table spoon lemon sauce
1 table spoon Veneer
Salt + Black pepper

Method of Preparation

Mix the cucumber with the tomato, the green paper, the onion, and the olives , mix the dressing sauce , and add it to the SALAD immediately before you serve it , add the lettuce in the serving ball and add the SALAD on it , and serve it..

page: 78

TUNA SALAD sg’m hgj,km

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