Lettuce Tuna Salad سلطة الخس بالتونة 2024.

Lettuce Tuna Salad

سلطة ط§ظ„ط®ط³ بالتونة


1 rod Lettuce + 2 glasses black olive sliced
1 Medium Tuna without the oil + 1 can Corn

Sauce Ingredients

2 table spoons Lemon + 2 table spoons Vinegar + ½ tea spoon Salt
3 table spoons Mayonnaise + ½ can Yogurt

Method of Preparation

Cut the Lettuce into small squares, and put it as first layer, then spread the Tuna on it, and the corn until you have a thin layer for it.
Then spread the slices olive over the tuna, and take a small slice from the small paper, and put the sauce inside it, and put it in the middle of the salad… and serve it…

page: 86

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