Basbusa Stuffed with Mouhalabia بسبوسة محشية بالمهلبية 2024.

Basbusa Stuffed with Mouhalabia

بسبوسة ظ…ط­ط´ظٹط© بالمهلبية


1 Glass of Semolina + 1 Glass Oil + ½ Glass Sugar
1 cans Creme + 3 Eggs
1 tea spoon Biking powder + 1 tea spoon Vanilla

Mouhalabia Ingredients
2 Glasses Water + 2 tea cups Sugar
4 flat table spoons corn flour + 6 table spoons Milk powder

Method of Preparation

Put all the Basbusa ingredients in a medium Powel, mix them with the hand cake mixer, and then add half of it to the oven tray.
Put it in the oven to cook it from below, until its edges start to be roasted, take it out, and leave it to cool down.
During that, prepare the Mouhalabia stuffing…
Mix all the Mouhalabia ingredients together , and out in on the oven until it start to be thick , then add it on the Basbusa, and keep it to be cold, then grape the rest of the Basbusa mixture, add to it to the half cup of water, mix it well, then flow it carefully on the Mouhalabia, start with the middle part of the tray, then go to the edges in round way so they well not mix together,
Later put the tray in the lower shelf of the oven , and turn the oven on low heat from above , and leave it until its done, add the shira ( already prepared) on it, then keep it to cool down , then cut it , and serve it…

page: 258

Basbusa Stuffed with Mouhalabia fsf,sm lpadm fhgligfdm

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel بسبوسة بالنارجيل 2024.

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel

بسبوسة بالنارجيل


1 glass Semolina + ½ glass Flour
1 glass Sugar + 1 glass Milk liquid
1 glass coconuts + 1 glass Oil
2 Eggs + Dash of Vanilla
½ big spoon Biking powder
(½ glass shira (syrup) (boil 2 glasses of sugar + 1 glass water + dash of saffron

Method of Preparation

Add in the cake mixer the ( sugar + eggs + vanilla ) until its color becomes white, then add the oil, continue whipping , then add the milk , then the semolina , then the flour , and continue mixing , then add the coconuts, and the biking powder.
Flow the mixture in a tray oven paint with little of oil, put it in the hot oven for half an hour on ( 160 degrees) , roast it from above , take it out from the oven , and cut it into squares pieces, and spread the shira on it, then serve it..

page: 270

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel fsf,sm fhgkhv[dg

الله يعطيكـِ العافيه يارب

يعطيك, العافية..
كلّ الشكرُ ,والتقديرلك

Basbusa dgn korma بسبوسة التمر 2024.

Basbusa dgn korma

بسبوسة التمر


2 gls samid .
1 gls susu cair .
1/2 gls korma halus .
1 cangkir minyak .
2 st baking powder .
1 butir telor .
Air gula .

Cara membuat

Campur semua bahan kecuali samid . aduk rata lalu masukan kesamid dan aduk yg rata dan tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yg sudah di olesiminyak dan taburi dgn kacang yg sudah di tumbuk dan masukan open sampai atasnyamerah . setelah matang keluarkan dan siram dgn shira ( air gula ) siap untuk dihidangkan .


Basbusa dgn korma>>>>fsf,sm hgjlv

Basbusa samid بسبوسة السميد 2024.

Basbusa samid

بسبوسة السميد


Bahan untuk basbusa

1 1/4 gls tepung samid .
1 1/4 gls kelapa .
1/4 gls minyak .
1/2 gls gula .
1 st baking powder .
1 kaleng gistah .
Kacang untuk hiasan .

Bahan untuk shira

4 cangkir gula .
2 cangkir air .
Sedikit air lemon .

Cara membuat

Campur samid , kelapa dan gula dan baking powder . lalu masukan minyak dan gistah aduk 2 yg rata lalu tuang ke loyang yg sdh di olesi minyak lalu garis 2 adonan kotak 2 setiap kotak beri kacang dan masukan open dgn panas 160 derajat sampai matang atasnya agak merah . setelah matang keluarkan dari open dan siram dgn air gula ( shira ) . setelah dingin potong 2 dan hidangkan .


Basbusa samid>>>>fsf,sm hgsld]

Indian Basbusa البسبوسة الهندية 2024.

Indian Basbusa

البسبوسة الهندية


2 glasses rude semolina
1/2-1 glass margarine + 2 glass narjeel
(1 glass Mafa (1 glass powder milk mix with half small can Luna tea milk or any kind of tea milk

Syrup ingredients
1 glass sugar + 3/4 glass water

Method of Preparation

Mix all the ingredients together until you have the solid dough , ball it and put it in the freezer one day before, then shred half of it ( it will give you around one glass).
Then prepare the syrup by putting the sugar and the water on the oven.
Heat the margarine and add the semolina and continue stir it until it got the gold color, then remove it away, and add on t the Mafa, and stir it.

Fife minutes after you remove the syrup away from the oven add it on the xxx while it still hot, and stir. Then add half glass of narjeel, stir again.
Put in the tray spread with margarine the mixture then spread on the service the other half of the narjeel.
Add roasted almond or cashew, and cut it, then put it in the refrigerator to become solid, and then serve it.

page: 364

Indian Basbusa hgfsf,sm hgik]dm

نترقب المزيد من جديدك الرائع

Basbusa with Dates بسبوسة التمر 2024.

Basbusa with Dates

بسبوسة التمر


2 Glasses Semolina
1 glass liquid Milk
½ glass date seedless and smooth
1 tea cup Oil
2 tea spoons Biking powder
Egg + Shira

Method of Preparation

Mix all the ingredients in the mixer except the Semolina , then flow it on Semolina and stir well, then put in a pint pan with little oil , then spread the almond on it , put it in the oven until the surface is reddish , after its cook take it out , and spread the shira on it..

page: 278

Basbusa with Dates fsf,sm hgjlv

The Semolina Basbusa بسبوسة السميد 2024.

The Semolina Basbusa

بسبوسة السميد


1+1/4 glass Semolina + 1+1/4 glass Coconuts
¼ glass Oil+ ½ glass Sugar
1 tea spoon Biking powder + 1 can Crème Almond for Decoration

Shira (Syrup) Ingredients
4 glasses Sugar + 4 glasses Water + Drops of Lemon

Method of Preparation

Mix the Semolina with the sugar the coconut , the biking powder , then add the oil and he crème , knead them good , then paint the tray with little oil and flow the dough in it , then cut it into squares , put one almond in each square , then put it in the oven on ( 160 degrees) until its cook and the surface is roasted, then take out , and put the shira on it, and keep it to cool down

Shira Method
Mix all the ingredients together on a pot put it on low heat oven for 15 minutes.

page: 281

The Semolina Basbusa fsf,sm hgsld]

الله يعطيكـِ العافيه يارب