Bang bang salad سلطة البانغ بانغ 2024.

Bang Bang salad

سلطة ط§ظ„ط¨ط§ظ†ط؛ بانغ


(1 glass lettuce (big mince
(1 glass parsley (fine mince
(1 glass cucumber (medium mince
1cold yellow paper grilled
1cold green paper grilled
2table spoons soya sauce
1slice chicken breast deep fried and mince
1big table spoon sesame
1cube chicken magi fine grounded
2garlic lubes
2table spoons butter
Dash of salt

Method of Preparation

Grill the chicken on oven, then put them in a plastic bag for five mentis, and close it well, so they will start sweating and well be easy to peel them.
Then take them out and wash them with cold water, then cut them the same thing you do with the cucumber.
Grape a serving plate, and cover it with the lettuce, put over it the parsley, then put the grilled paper.
Add the deep-fried mince chicken on it,, then start preparing the dressing by melting the butter on a pot, then add the garlic, and toast it quickly, then add the sesame, and stir well until they got the gold color, then add the magi cube, and the soya sauce with the salt, remove them of The oven, and flow this thick sauce on the salad, and now the salad is ready. At china they serve it with hot sauce, and you can creative the way you serve the hot sauce.
And this is one of the serving method, by having cucumber cut it equally into four pieces , take the last quarter , and remove the pulp and take care to keep the bass look like a pot and you can add the hot sauce inside it , put it in the middle of the salad , and serve it with Bang bang salad.

page: 389

Bang bang salad sg’m hgfhky fhky

Salad sayuran cina .سلطة حضروات صينية 2024.

Salad sayuran cina

سلطة ط­ط¶ط±ظˆط§طھ صينية


1gls makarony bentuk jari direbus
1/2lombok paprika (hijo,kuningdan merah dipotong panjang2
1/4kubis merah(ungu)dipotong panjang2
1/4kubis cina dipotong panjang2
1/2kaleng jagung(baby corn)
1/2 lemon(juice)

Cara membuat

Rebus brokoli selama 2menit lalu disaring masukan brokoli,paprika,jagung dan makarony terakhir masukan air lemon dan aduk semua .siap untuk di hidangkan.


Salad sayuran cina>>>sg’m pqv,hj wdkdm

BUTTER FLY SALAD سلطة أم الفراشة 2024.


سلطة أم الفراشة


I zucchini + 1 potato + carrot
½ Bread roll
1 Tomato + 1 cucumber + ½ small onions
2 big leafs cabbage or lettuce
3 table spoon corns can
2 table spoon mayonnaise
½ lemons
½ garlic lube
1 Table spoon oil + 1 medium spoon salt

Method of Preparation

Cut the carrot , the potato, the zucchini , and the bread into small cubes , add two spoons of oil to the pan , and stir the potatoes for three minutes , then add the carrots and stir them together , then add the zucchini, and stir for another three minutes , finally add the bread cubes , and stir until the oil is dry , after they done put them in the refrigerator , , chop the ( cucumber , tomato, lettuce , onion) into small pieces then add the corn , then add the grilled vegetables .
Mix all together, then add the mayonnaise, the salt, the lemon, and the garlic, put it in the refrigerator until you serve it…

page: 77

BUTTER FLY SALAD sg’m Hl hgtvham

Bugles Salad سلطة بيوقلز 2024.

Bugles Salad

ط³ظ„ط·ط© بيوقلز


Boiled Macaroni + (Green, Red, Yellow) Paper sliced +2 pieces Carrot shredded
1 Glass Lettuce sliced + 1 can yellow Corn + 1 glass purple Cabbage sliced + 1 pack Bugles


3 Lemons (squeeze) + 2 tables spoon Vinegar + 1 table spoon Mayonnaise + 1 cans Yogurt + Salad Dressing (French dressing) Salt (as desire)

Method of Preparation

Boiled the macaroni and leave it on side, then mix the sliced vegetables , then add the corn after you drain it from the water then mix all the ingredients above together , and before you serve it add the dressing , and mix it again , then add the Bugles …and serve it..

page: 87

Bugles Salad sg’m fd,rg.

Salad brokoli dgn saos Lombok .سلطة البروكلي 2024.

Salad brokoli dgn saos Lombok

سلطة ط§ظ„ط¨ط±ظˆظƒظ„ظٹ بصوص الفليفلات


10kembang brokoli
5biji fijil merah kecil
1/4bawang Bombay
2 daun bawang dipotong tipis
10makarony( bentuk kupu)direbus

Bahan saos

1/4lombok paprika(hijo,kuningdan merah)dicing cang
Air lemon
1/4gls minyak zaitun
1/2 tomat merah
1/4cuka putih
1 siung bawang putih kecil

Cara membua

Cara saos

Campur tomat minyak zaitun,cuka,air lemon dan bawang putih di blender sampai halus lalu dicampur dgn paprika.

Cara salad

Bakar brokli di open atau direbus .potong fijil4 bagian.cambur makarony dan semua bahan dgn saos,diaduk jadi satu.siap untuk di hidangkan


Salad brokoli dgn saos Lombok>>>sg’m hgfv,;gd

Noodles salad سلطة النودلز 2024.

Noodles salad

سلطة النودلز


2 glasses cabbage slices
½ glass green onion
1 glass mince salary
2/4 glass roasted almond slices
1/3 glass grains sunflower seeds
1 glass Noodles roasted

Method of Preparation

Mix all the sauce ingredients together, and then leave it on side. Mix the cabbage with the green onion, the celery, the almond, and the sunflower seeds.
When you serviette flow the sauce on the salad, then add the noodles, and serve it directly.

page: 388

Noodles salad sg’m hgk,]g.

Yogurt Salad with mint سلطة الزبادي بالنعناع 2024.

Yogurt Salad with mint

سلطة ط§ظ„ط²ط¨ط§ط¯ظٹ بالنعناع


1 onion fine mince
2 yogurts
2 table spoons mince mint
1/2 small spoon sugar powder
1/4 onion fine mince
1/2 tomato cut
1/2 cold hot paper cut

Method of Preparation

Whip the Yogurt well until it becomes very smooth , add the mince mint , and stir well, then add the rest of the ingredients to the Yogurt and stir well, serve it after you spread little sumac on it and decorate it with mint..

page: 293

Yogurt Salad with mint sg’m hg.fh]d fhgkukhu