Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli 2024.

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli

سبرينغ رول بالخضار والدجاج والشعيرية


20 pieces spring rolls
1 medium carrot peeled and shredded
1/4 glass cabbage cut into fine slices
1/4 glass boiled pea
1/4 glass boiled corn
1/2 medium onion fine mince
1/2 chicken breast
4 table spoons cooking oil
1round vermicelli
(1/2tea spoon Chinese salt (ageno motto
1/2 small spoon white pepper
1 egg to close the dough
Cooking oil

Method of Preparation

Boil the chicken breast and fine mince it, then keep it on side.
Broke the vermicelli into medium pieces then boils it, filter it and keep it on side.
Grape a pan and put the onion, the cabbage , the carrot ,and 4 table spoons cooking oil, stir them well for two minutes , then add the chicken and stir again , then add the corn, the pea, the vermicelli , the pepper , and the salt, stir them well for one minutes, then remove it away from the oven.
Prepare the spring rolls, and stuff it around 1 table spoon for each roll, then roll them like the method on the bag, and close the edges using the egg that you scrambled with salt, or with flour and watery till you finish it all. Fried those in hot oil on low heat until they got the gold color then put them on the absorbable papers
Arrange them on serving plate and you can serve them with fresh fries and ketchup.

page: 402

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli>>>>>>

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