Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli 2024.

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli

سبرينغ رول بالخضار والدجاج والشعيرية


20 pieces spring rolls
1 medium carrot peeled and shredded
1/4 glass cabbage cut into fine slices
1/4 glass boiled pea
1/4 glass boiled corn
1/2 medium onion fine mince
1/2 chicken breast
4 table spoons cooking oil
1round vermicelli
(1/2tea spoon Chinese salt (ageno motto
1/2 small spoon white pepper
1 egg to close the dough
Cooking oil

Method of Preparation

Boil the chicken breast and fine mince it, then keep it on side.
Broke the vermicelli into medium pieces then boils it, filter it and keep it on side.
Grape a pan and put the onion, the cabbage , the carrot ,and 4 table spoons cooking oil, stir them well for two minutes , then add the chicken and stir again , then add the corn, the pea, the vermicelli , the pepper , and the salt, stir them well for one minutes, then remove it away from the oven.
Prepare the spring rolls, and stuff it around 1 table spoon for each roll, then roll them like the method on the bag, and close the edges using the egg that you scrambled with salt, or with flour and watery till you finish it all. Fried those in hot oil on low heat until they got the gold color then put them on the absorbable papers
Arrange them on serving plate and you can serve them with fresh fries and ketchup.

page: 402

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli>>>>>>

Spring rolls with shrimp لفائف الربيع بالجمبري 2024.

Spring rolls with shrimp

لفائف ط§ظ„ط±ط¨ظٹط¹ ط¨ط§ظ„ط¬ظ…ط¨ط±ظٹ (اسبرنج رول)


1 Spring roll bag+ onion fine cut + cabbage big cut sliced + 3 pieces shredded carrot + soya sauce + mince parsley + salt+ magi cube + 1/2 bag shrimp
To close the rolls: 3 table spoons flour with water

Method of Preparation

Put in n a pan little oil, then add the onion and stir them for five minutes, then add the cabbage on it with the carrot and stir them well , then add the shrimp, the magi cube , leave it until the water is absorbed, then add the soya sauce and stir well , put the mixer in the filter pot because it’s important that the mixer is dryad cool, then stuff the Spring rolls and close the edges with the water and the flour you mix them together, deep fried them , and serve it…

page: 403

Spring rolls with shrimp gthzt hgvfdu fhg[lfvd

Jelly rolls 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

حلو بسيط وسهل ولذيذ وبيعجب الأطفال جدا والكبار ايضا

المقادير والطريقة :

**نذوب باكو جيلى اى نوع فى 1/2 كاس ماء فقط ثم نرفع على النار حتى الغليان

**نضيف 10 حبات مارشميللو ابيض صغيرة والافضل اكثر (كلما زدنا ظهرت الطبقة البيضاء اكثر كما سترون فى الصور لاحقا)
ونقلب بسرعة حتى يذوب ونرفع من على النار سريعا (وممكن نضعه فى الميكروويف ثوانى ليذوب بدلا عن الغاز)

**نصبه فى بايركس مدهون بالزبد جيدا (ستلاحظين انفصال طبقة المارشميللو البيضاء عن طبقة الجيلى)

**يوضع فى الثلاجة ساعتين حتى يجمد ويتماسك

**نلفه رول ونقطعه

ابنى اشترى لى كيس مارشميللو الوان فكانت الحبات البيضاء قليلة لذلك الطبقة البيضاء ليست سميكة وكلما كانت سميكة كان الشكل احلى


Jelly rolls (ja[dudm glhvhe,k hg’fo)


وصفة شهية كتيير ولزييزة حبيبتي

يسلموواديكي الحلوييييين

تسلم ايدك غاليتي اسماء

فعلا وصفة بسيطة وسريعة
وبحبها الكبار قبل الصغار هههه

تسلم ايديك يارب

Chicken Chinese rolls رول الدجاج الصيني 2024.

Chicken Chinese rolls

رول ط§ظ„ط¯ط¬ط§ط¬ الصيني

Ingredients + method
Chicken breast washed well and put them in plastic bag, and straight the service with Chicken hummer ( as you see at the picture) from the smooth side, until they becomes like the spread dough with medium thick and slowly you straight the service.
Spread on the service the ground black pepper and the salt.

Put on it another Chicken breast half spread and put this spicing
1 lug garlic mince
1/2 spoon cumin
Mince coriander
Grounded black pepper
Lemon squeezed+ 1 spoon paprika
(Mix all together and spread them on the Chicken (second layer
Then flop the Chicken on the other side, and arrange on it fine carrot fingers, green cold paper and yellow, and turnip fingers, then spread on it ground black pepper and dash of salt.
In a plastic bag roll the Chicken like fingers by pressing on it during that then put it on aluminum foil.

Paint the service with this spicing
(1 table spoon tomato paste+ 2 table spoons olive oil + 3 table spoons lemon squeeze + 1/4 spoon turmeric +1 spoon soya + dash of coriander + grounded cumin) mix altogether and paint the Chicken with it, then rape it with aluminum foil, put it in the oven for fifteen minutes then open the foil to roast the service , during that time prepare the pasta by boiling the fettuccini the spagitti in water with salt inside it, roast a little the onion sliced in the oil for few minutes.
then add the mushroom sliced and little from the cornflower, little from hot pepper (as desire) or green onion, stir them on high heat for few minutes until they are roasted well, now add 1/2 glass of whipping crème, then add big slices from cabbage, with a dash of fine pepper ,salt, and soya sauce.
Stir them for two minuets then add the boiled pasta then two spoons of sour crème, two spoons of mayonnaise stir for few minutes, then remove it away from the oven, and ads two spoons of the corn.
Take the Chicken from the oven and spread little roasted sesame on it cut it and serve it with macaroni….

page: 424

Chicken Chinese rolls v,g hg][h[ hgwdkd

Spring rolls with shrimp لفائف الربيع بالجمبري 2024.

Spring rolls with shrimp

لفائف ط§ظ„ط±ط¨ظٹط¹ ط¨ط§ظ„ط¬ظ…ط¨ط±ظٹ (اسبرنج رول)


1 Spring roll bag+ onion fine cut + cabbage big cut sliced + 3 pieces shredded carrot + soya sauce + mince parsley + salt+ magi cube + 1/2 bag shrimp
To close the rolls: 3 table spoons flour with water

Method of Preparation

Put in n a pan little oil, then add the onion and stir them for five minutes, then add the cabbage on it with the carrot and stir them well , then add the shrimp, the magi cube , leave it until the water is absorbed, then add the soya sauce and stir well , put the mixer in the filter pot because it’s important that the mixer is dryad cool, then stuff the Spring rolls and close the edges with the water and the flour you mix them together, deep fried them , and serve it…

page: 403

Spring rolls with shrimp gthzt hgvfdu fhg[lfvd

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli 2024.

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli

سبرينغ رول بالخضار والدجاج والشعيرية


20 pieces spring rolls
1 medium carrot peeled and shredded
1/4 glass cabbage cut into fine slices
1/4 glass boiled pea
1/4 glass boiled corn
1/2 medium onion fine mince
1/2 chicken breast
4 table spoons cooking oil
1round vermicelli
(1/2tea spoon Chinese salt (ageno motto
1/2 small spoon white pepper
1 egg to close the dough
Cooking oil

Method of Preparation

Boil the chicken breast and fine mince it, then keep it on side.
Broke the vermicelli into medium pieces then boils it, filter it and keep it on side.
Grape a pan and put the onion, the cabbage , the carrot ,and 4 table spoons cooking oil, stir them well for two minutes , then add the chicken and stir again , then add the corn, the pea, the vermicelli , the pepper , and the salt, stir them well for one minutes, then remove it away from the oven.
Prepare the spring rolls, and stuff it around 1 table spoon for each roll, then roll them like the method on the bag, and close the edges using the egg that you scrambled with salt, or with flour and watery till you finish it all. Fried those in hot oil on low heat until they got the gold color then put them on the absorbable papers
Arrange them on serving plate and you can serve them with fresh fries and ketchup.

page: 402

Vegetables spring rolls with chicken and vermicelli>>>>>>

Chinese rolls with rice leaves رولات صينية بأوراق الأرز 2024.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves

رولات طµظٹظ†ظٹط© ط¨ط£ظˆط±ط§ظ‚ الأرز


400g mince meet
(1/2glass boiled rice (use water and salt
1table spoon fresh mince ginger
(Salt + pepper (as desire
Cabbage cut and boiled in water with salt
1piece shredded carrot
1big spoon mince parsley
Rice leaves

Method of Preparation

Mix the boiled rice, with the boiled cabbage, the mice meat, the salt and the black pepper, and ground them well
Then add the shredded carrot, the parsley, and the soya sauce.
In a pan add little from the sesame oil, and stir the mixture until the meat and the carrot is cooked.
Grape the rice leaves and dips it in warm water so it will become soft, then stuff it and rook them.
Heat the oil and fried the rolls from the both sides, and put them on absorbable kitchen tissue, serve it with the special sauce or the soya sauce, for dipping.

page: 400

Chinese rolls with rice leaves v,ghj wdkdm fH,vhr hgHv.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves رولات صينية بأوراق الأرز 2024.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves

رولات طµظٹظ†ظٹط© ط¨ط£ظˆط±ط§ظ‚ الأرز


400g mince meet
(1/2glass boiled rice (use water and salt
1table spoon fresh mince ginger
(Salt + pepper (as desire
Cabbage cut and boiled in water with salt
1piece shredded carrot
1big spoon mince parsley
Rice leaves

Method of Preparation

Mix the boiled rice, with the boiled cabbage, the mice meat, the salt and the black pepper, and ground them well
Then add the shredded carrot, the parsley, and the soya sauce.
In a pan add little from the sesame oil, and stir the mixture until the meat and the carrot is cooked.
Grape the rice leaves and dips it in warm water so it will become soft, then stuff it and rook them.
Heat the oil and fried the rolls from the both sides, and put them on absorbable kitchen tissue, serve it with the special sauce or the soya sauce, for dipping.

page: 400

Chinese rolls with rice leaves v,ghj wdkdm fH,vhr hgHv.

Chicken Chinese rolls رول الدجاج الصيني 2024.

Chicken Chinese rolls

رول ط§ظ„ط¯ط¬ط§ط¬ الصيني

Ingredients + method
Chicken breast washed well and put them in plastic bag, and straight the service with Chicken hummer ( as you see at the picture) from the smooth side, until they becomes like the spread dough with medium thick and slowly you straight the service.
Spread on the service the ground black pepper and the salt.

Put on it another Chicken breast half spread and put this spicing
1 lug garlic mince
1/2 spoon cumin
Mince coriander
Grounded black pepper
Lemon squeezed+ 1 spoon paprika
(Mix all together and spread them on the Chicken (second layer
Then flop the Chicken on the other side, and arrange on it fine carrot fingers, green cold paper and yellow, and turnip fingers, then spread on it ground black pepper and dash of salt.
In a plastic bag roll the Chicken like fingers by pressing on it during that then put it on aluminum foil.

Paint the service with this spicing
(1 table spoon tomato paste+ 2 table spoons olive oil + 3 table spoons lemon squeeze + 1/4 spoon turmeric +1 spoon soya + dash of coriander + grounded cumin) mix altogether and paint the Chicken with it, then rape it with aluminum foil, put it in the oven for fifteen minutes then open the foil to roast the service , during that time prepare the pasta by boiling the fettuccini the spagitti in water with salt inside it, roast a little the onion sliced in the oil for few minutes.
then add the mushroom sliced and little from the cornflower, little from hot pepper (as desire) or green onion, stir them on high heat for few minutes until they are roasted well, now add 1/2 glass of whipping crème, then add big slices from cabbage, with a dash of fine pepper ,salt, and soya sauce.
Stir them for two minuets then add the boiled pasta then two spoons of sour crème, two spoons of mayonnaise stir for few minutes, then remove it away from the oven, and ads two spoons of the corn.
Take the Chicken from the oven and spread little roasted sesame on it cut it and serve it with macaroni….

page: 424

Chicken Chinese rolls v,g hg][h[ hgwdkd

Swiss Rolls Torte تورتة السويسرول 2024.

Swiss Rolls Torte

تورتة السويسرول


Chocolate Swiss roll Cake (big size)
4 packs Dream Whips
4 cans fresh Crème
½ Glass Milk powder + Ulcer Biscuit
Galaxy chocolate for decoration

Method of Preparation

Prepare the cream by mixing the whipping crème, the crème, and the milk, whips them until you got thick crème,
Cut the steamroll cake into slices, arrange them in the cheese cake tray on the bottom , and the sides, then add a crème layer , and on it add a layer from ulcer biscuit after you flake it with your hands , then another layer from the Swiss roll , and so on… until the last layer is the crème layer ..
Put the mould in the refrigerator minimum for six hours, then take it out, and shred the galaxy bar on the top…
Remove the cake from the mould, and serve it cold…

The easiest way to shreds the chocolate when you use the cheese and carrot shredder, and some house wife’s use the potato shredder, and it gives good results…

page: 255

Swiss Rolls Torte j,vjm hgs,dsv,g