Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice دجاج صيني . 2024.

Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice

دجاج طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالزنجبيل وارز بالثوم


Chinese chicken Ingredients
4 chicken breasts sliced
3 small spoons grounded ginger
3 small spoons soya sauce
2 small spoons sugar
2 small spoons salt
1 small spoon pepper
1/4 glass oil

Garlic rice Ingredients
2 glass rice
4 lugs garlic
Water + oil

Method of Preparation

Chinese chicken Method
Mix the ginger with the soya sauce, the sugar, the salt , the pepper and the oil, mix the chicken with them , put them in a special plastic bag for drench , cover it and put it in the refrigerator for the next day. Take it out and put them in a pan and stir them until it’s cooked.
Garlic rice Method:
Roast the Garlic in the oil and make sure have the same color, then add the rice and the water, keep it until it’s cooked, and serve it with chicken.

page: 437

Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice ][h[ wdkd >>>

Chinese rice رز صيني 2024.

Chinese rice

رز صيني


2glasess rice
2chicken Brest cut not cubes
Frozen vegetables
Cabbage cut
Onion cut
1garlic lube shredded
Soya sauce
Salt + black pepper
Less than 1/4 butter bar
Little oil

Method of Preparation

Drench the rice into water for half an hour, cut the chicken into cubes, grape a pot and add little oil with butter, then add the onion , the garlic ,after that add the chicken when it start to be cooed add the frozen vegetables , then drain the rice and add it on the pot, flow it slowly so it will not be broken, add three table spoons from the soya, and one spoon of salt, little black pepper, and the cut cabbage, add around two and half of water almost to cover the rice with it..

page: 410

Chinese rice v. wdkd

Chinese rice رز صيني 2024.

Chinese rice

رز صيني


2glasess rice
2chicken Brest cut not cubes
Frozen vegetables
Cabbage cut
Onion cut
1garlic lube shredded
Soya sauce
Salt + black pepper
Less than 1/4 butter bar
Little oil

Method of Preparation

Drench the rice into water for half an hour, cut the chicken into cubes, grape a pot and add little oil with butter, then add the onion , the garlic ,after that add the chicken when it start to be cooed add the frozen vegetables , then drain the rice and add it on the pot, flow it slowly so it will not be broken, add three table spoons from the soya, and one spoon of salt, little black pepper, and the cut cabbage, add around two and half of water almost to cover the rice with it..

page: 410

Chinese rice v. wdkd

Rice with red pea أرز الفاصوليا الحمراء 2024.

Rice with red pea

أرز ط§ظ„ظپط§طµظˆظ„ظٹط§ الحمراء


1 glass Egyptian rice
½ glass can pee
1 table spoon tomato paste
1 small spoon food color
1 spoon butter
()Salt (as desire

Method of Preparation

Boil the Rice with the sauce and the food color, the oil, and the salt until it’s almost cooked. In another pan melt the butter , cut the onion into small pieces and stir them well then add the pee with it’s water, and dash of salt, then add it to the Rice , mix it well together , then serve it.

page: 407

Rice with red pea Hv. hgthw,gdh hgplvhx

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea الأرز الصيني بالروبيان 2024.

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea

الأرز ط§ظ„طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالروبيان والبسلة


500g small shrimp peeled, cleaned, and washed
3 rod green onion sliced into circles
Pieces carrot cut into small cubes
1 small glass pea
1/2 tea cup cooking oil +1tea spoon salt
1 small spoon garlic powder
1 tea spoon turmeric+1table spoon grounded ginger

Rice ingredients
1+1/2 glass basmati rice
1 table spoon salt
7 grains cardamom
1/2 tea cup cooking oil Boiling water

Method of Preparation

Wash the rice good with hot water few times, then drench it in hot Waterford 15 minutes, then wash it again with hot water and drain it.
Bring the pressure pot and add the rice, the oil, the salt, and the cardamom. add the hot water to it until it will be around one cm above the rice, then cover it good, and put it on high heat until you hear the weasel voice, the you decrease the heat and leave it from 5-7 min.
During that time prepare a big oven pan add the green onion in it and the oil and stir it for two minutes.
Add the shrimp to the onion and stir them for another two minutes.
Remove the rice away and leave it on side for ten minutes until it absorb the water well before you open the cover.
Add the carrot, the pea to the shrimp, and stir them, then add half cup of boiled water to the shrimp, the salt, the ginger, the garlic, and the turmeric stir them well.
You fried the egg, the carrot, the garlic, and the onion, stir them well, then add the shrimps and stir them well,

Cover the pan with another one at the same size or by aluminum foil, so the steam will not be out, and leave it on low heat for 10 minutes to absorb the water, and then remove it, and this how it looks after ten mentis.
Remove the cover and how is the rice look.
Remove the heal from the rice , then add it to the shrimp mix , and stir good so the shrimp will be mix with the rice , put it in the serving plate and serve it..

page: 412

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea hgHv. hgwdkd fhgv,fdhk>>

Polaw rice ارز بولاو 2024.

Polaw rice

ارز بولاو


Basmati rice washed and drenched in warm water for one hour
Mince Beef or lamb
Onion slices
Tomatoes cut
Mince garlic
Saffron drenched in water
Lentil boiled
(Spices (rod cinnamon + cardamom grained+ ginger + cumin+ salt+ Graham masala

Method of Preparation

First boil the rice with water and oil.
Then roast the onion with little oil then add the cinnamon rd, and the cardamom.
When the onion color start to change adds the tomato and stir again.
Later add e meet with the spices stir again until the meat is cooked on low heat.
Then add the yogurt one or two spoons, then mix it well and leave it on fire for few minutes.
Take small onion and slices then roasted and leave on side.
Grape a round Pyrex tray and spread little butter inside it, a put a layer f the rice.
Then spread lintel and the onion on it and few drops of saffron, then put the meet stuffing, and spread it well on the rice.
Then put another layer from the rice and spread lintel and the onion on it and few drops of saffron on it again cover it with aluminum foil and put it in the oven for fifteen minutes.
Flip it on serving plate and decorate it with lintel and onion.

page: 352

Polaw rice hv. f,gh,

Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice دجاج صيني . 2024.

Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice

دجاج طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالزنجبيل وارز بالثوم


Chinese chicken Ingredients
4 chicken breasts sliced
3 small spoons grounded ginger
3 small spoons soya sauce
2 small spoons sugar
2 small spoons salt
1 small spoon pepper
1/4 glass oil

Garlic rice Ingredients
2 glass rice
4 lugs garlic
Water + oil

Method of Preparation

Chinese chicken Method
Mix the ginger with the soya sauce, the sugar, the salt , the pepper and the oil, mix the chicken with them , put them in a special plastic bag for drench , cover it and put it in the refrigerator for the next day. Take it out and put them in a pan and stir them until it’s cooked.
Garlic rice Method:
Roast the Garlic in the oil and make sure have the same color, then add the rice and the water, keep it until it’s cooked, and serve it with chicken.

page: 437

Chinese chicken with ginger & Garlic rice ][h[ wdkd >>>

حلى ال Rice krispies 2024.

الحلى ده ساهل جدا وينفع فى الزنقات وطعمه لذيذ ومفيد
بس المهم دلوقت انا عايزه اعرف اذا كان Rice krispies موجود عندكم لا لأ ?

2كوب Rice krispies
دى صوره العلبه

وده صوته

كوب ونصف تمر مقطع صغير او زبيب او اى نوع من الفواكه المجففه المقطعه
1 كوب مكسرات اى نوع تحبيه
علبه حليب مكثف محلى
جوز هند للزينه


تخلطى كل المقادير مع بعض ما عادا جوز الهند

نكورهم كور صغيره ونغلفها بجوز الهند ونقدمها بالشكل ده

pgn hg Rice krispies

تسلمين حبيبتي شكله لذيذ تسلم يدياتك
ما شاء الله تسلمي أختي الجيريا
رائع يا قلبي
الف شكر لك

ارز بحليب جوز الهند jamaican rice and peas :: غدانا اليوم :: 2024.

ارز ط¨ط­ظ„ظٹط¨ جوز ط§ظ„ظ‡ظ†ط¯ والفاصوليا السمراء jamaican rice and peas


3 كوب ارز

علبة من الفاصوليا السمراء الصغيرة ( ممكن تستخدمى الفاصوليا الحمراء )

ربطة بصل اخضر

5 فصوص ثوم مفرومين ناعم

كوب من حليب جوز ط§ظ„ظ‡ظ†ط¯

2 كوب ماء

ملح وفلفل اسمر حسب التزوق

ملعقة صغيرة زعتر ( انا ما استخدمتها )


نغلى حليب جوز ط§ظ„ظ‡ظ†ط¯ مع الماء والبصل الاخضر ( مقطع نصفين فقط ) والثوم والملح والفلفل والزعتر

لما يغلى الخليط السابق نضيف الارز بعد غسله والفاصوليا بعد تصفيتها وغسلها

ولما يغلى مرة اخرى نغطى القدر و نخفض الحرارة

ونتركه ينضج تماما على نار هادئة ( حوالى 30 دقيقة )

ثم ناخذ البصل الاخضر جانبا

ويقدم بالهنا والشفا

مع تحياتى

hv. fpgdf [,. hgik] jamaican rice and peas :: y]hkh hgd,l ::

مممم شهية ومن نصبي بالتاكيد

وعجبتني كتير مبدعة كالعادة

الف صحة وهنا

تسلم ايديك شوشو
رز مغذي ومكوناته غنية
هنا وعافية عليكم ياقلبي .
فنانه يا ميمي
ما شاء الله عليكي فكره وطعم جديد
تسلم الأيادي حبيبتي

Crispy rice balls كرات الأرز المقرمشة 2024.

Crispy rice balls

كرات ط§ظ„ط£ط±ط² المقرمشة


2 cup rice
Black pepper+ salt +cumin
Chider chess
For dressing: white flour+ egg+ crone flex

Method of Preparation

Wash the rice and boil it in hot water, and leave it on low heat until it absorbs the water, then add the pepper, the cumin, and the salt, and mine it.
Cut the chess into small squares, take small amount of the rice and dig in the middle of the chess and put it there, close it and roll it, until you finish the amount. Roll them in the flour, then in the egg, then in the grounded crone flex, and deep fried them, then serve it.

page: 390

Crispy rice balls ;vhj hgHv. hglrvlam