Rice with lemon South Indian method أرز بالليمون . 2024.

Rice with lemon South Indian method

أرز ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ظٹظ…ظˆظ† على طريقة جنوب الهند


2 glasses rice+ 3 big spoons lemon+ 1/4 small spoon turmeric+ 1/2 small spoon sugar + salt + 3 big spoons oil + 1 small spoon grains mastered + 1 big spoon yellow chickpeas can
Gain from dried hot red paper

Method of Preparation

Boiled the Rice s usual, then mix the lemon juice with turmeric, salt, and sugar, keep it on side.
Heat he oil in a pan then add the mastered grains, the chickpeas, and the hot paper.
Add the lemon juice mixture with little of water, and you can remove the pepper so it will not be very hot.
Add the Rice to it and stir well until it mixes together and when the water is dry serve it.

page: 358

Rice with lemon South Indian method Hv. fhggdl,k >>>>>>>

Chinese rolls with rice leaves رولات صينية بأوراق الأرز 2024.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves

رولات طµظٹظ†ظٹط© ط¨ط£ظˆط±ط§ظ‚ الأرز


400g mince meet
(1/2glass boiled rice (use water and salt
1table spoon fresh mince ginger
(Salt + pepper (as desire
Cabbage cut and boiled in water with salt
1piece shredded carrot
1big spoon mince parsley
Rice leaves

Method of Preparation

Mix the boiled rice, with the boiled cabbage, the mice meat, the salt and the black pepper, and ground them well
Then add the shredded carrot, the parsley, and the soya sauce.
In a pan add little from the sesame oil, and stir the mixture until the meat and the carrot is cooked.
Grape the rice leaves and dips it in warm water so it will become soft, then stuff it and rook them.
Heat the oil and fried the rolls from the both sides, and put them on absorbable kitchen tissue, serve it with the special sauce or the soya sauce, for dipping.

page: 400

Chinese rolls with rice leaves v,ghj wdkdm fH,vhr hgHv.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves رولات صينية بأوراق الأرز 2024.

Chinese rolls with rice leaves

رولات طµظٹظ†ظٹط© ط¨ط£ظˆط±ط§ظ‚ الأرز


400g mince meet
(1/2glass boiled rice (use water and salt
1table spoon fresh mince ginger
(Salt + pepper (as desire
Cabbage cut and boiled in water with salt
1piece shredded carrot
1big spoon mince parsley
Rice leaves

Method of Preparation

Mix the boiled rice, with the boiled cabbage, the mice meat, the salt and the black pepper, and ground them well
Then add the shredded carrot, the parsley, and the soya sauce.
In a pan add little from the sesame oil, and stir the mixture until the meat and the carrot is cooked.
Grape the rice leaves and dips it in warm water so it will become soft, then stuff it and rook them.
Heat the oil and fried the rolls from the both sides, and put them on absorbable kitchen tissue, serve it with the special sauce or the soya sauce, for dipping.

page: 400

Chinese rolls with rice leaves v,ghj wdkdm fH,vhr hgHv.

Chicken Rice Soup شوربة الحب بالدجاج 2024.

The quickly Lintel Soup

ط´ظˆط±ط¨ط© ط§ظ„ط­ط¨ بالدجاج


10 slices medium size from Chicken breast boneless
1+1/2 glass American Rice
2 can Tomatoes or (fresh tomatoes)
1 table spoon Soup spices (cinnamon, cardamom, Shaba, anise, black pepper)
Salt (as desire)
3 letters Water

Method of Preparation

Cut the Chicken into medium cubes, then crash the tomatoes , wash the seeds , then put the water on the fire until it start boiling, then add the spices until the water color change , then add the Chicken and the tomatoes spread little salt , cover the pot , and leave it until the Chicken and the Rice is cook , and don’t forget to stir them , then flow the Soup in the bowel, and decorate it with coriander leafs or parsley , serve it hot..

page: 72

Chicken Rice Soup a,vfm hgpf fhg][h[

Fried rice with shrimp الرز المقلي بالجمبري 2024.

Fried rice with shrimp

الرز ط§ظ„ظ…ظ‚ظ„ظٹ بالجمبري


1/2 k shrimp
Pieces green onion cut into circles
Pieces shredded carrot
1small spoon mince garlic
1/4 glass soya sauce
(1 glass cooking rice (, put out of refrigerator before u uses it
Little oil

Method of Preparation

Grape a pot and put oil in it then add the shrimp to roast it, then take it out and put t in a plate, at the same pot you then add the rice and the soya sauce , and stir good (you can little water if need it),and after a while it will be ready to serve.

page: 411

Fried rice with shrimp hgv. hglrgd fhg[lfvd

Garlic rice with papers أرز الثوم والفليفلات 2024.

Garlic rice with papers

أرز ط§ظ„ط«ظˆظ… والفليفلات


2 glasses rice
1 big Garlic lube
½ cold red pepper
½ cold yellow pepper
1 small spoon oil
(Salt (as desire

Method of Preparation

Boil all the ingredients together until it’s cooked.

page: 408

Garlic rice with papers Hv. hge,l ,hgtgdtghj

Crispy rice balls كرات الأرز المقرمشة 2024.

Crispy rice balls

كرات ط§ظ„ط£ط±ط² المقرمشة


2 cup rice
Black pepper+ salt +cumin
Chider chess
For dressing: white flour+ egg+ crone flex

Method of Preparation

Wash the rice and boil it in hot water, and leave it on low heat until it absorbs the water, then add the pepper, the cumin, and the salt, and mine it.
Cut the chess into small squares, take small amount of the rice and dig in the middle of the chess and put it there, close it and roll it, until you finish the amount. Roll them in the flour, then in the egg, then in the grounded crone flex, and deep fried them, then serve it.

page: 390

Crispy rice balls ;vhj hgHv. hglrvlam

The Shrimp Kafta with Rice كفتة الجمبري بالأرز 2024.

The Shrimp Kafta with Rice

كفتة ط§ظ„ط¬ظ…ط¨ط±ظٹ بالأرز


½ Kg Shrimp peeled ad washed
1 big Onion mince + 3 Garlic Lubes mince
5 table spoons Rice washed and grounded
1 table spoon white vinegar + 1 Lemon 9 squeezed)
Around 2 table spoons from (parsley + dill + coriander) all mine
Salt + Black pepper + Spices

Method of Preparation

Mince all the above ingredients, and mix them together, and put the dough in the refrigerator, until its hold together. Then dip you hands in the oil, and start shape the dough like fingers, or any other shape…
Deep fried it… then serve it…

page: 60

The Shrimp Kafta with Rice ;tjm hg[lfvd fhgHv.

Mixed fried rice with eggs الرز الصيني المقلي مع البيض 2024.

Mixed fried rice with eggs

الرز ط§ظ„طµظٹظ†ظٹ ط§ظ„ظ…ظ‚ظ„ظٹ مع البيض


2 glasses basmati rice
Green pea
Green cold paper
Carrot + cabbage
Green onion
Soya sauce
Agino motto salt

Method of Preparation

Cut the green paper, the cabbage, the carrot, the pee, and the green onion into slices, then add little oil to them, add little from the salt, the soya sauce, and the Agino motto, stir them until they almost cooked. In another pan fried the eggs with little salt, pepper, stir until it’s done , then boil the rice, then add the vegetables , stir well and keep it on the oven then add the fried egg to it, then serve it.

page: 409

Mixed fried rice with eggs hgv. hgwdkd hglrgd lu hgfdq

Rice with red pea أرز الفاصوليا الحمراء 2024.

Rice with red pea

أرز ط§ظ„ظپط§طµظˆظ„ظٹط§ الحمراء


1 glass Egyptian rice
½ glass can pee
1 table spoon tomato paste
1 small spoon food color
1 spoon butter
()Salt (as desire

Method of Preparation

Boil the Rice with the sauce and the food color, the oil, and the salt until it’s almost cooked. In another pan melt the butter , cut the onion into small pieces and stir them well then add the pee with it’s water, and dash of salt, then add it to the Rice , mix it well together , then serve it.

page: 407

Rice with red pea Hv. hgthw,gdh hgplvhx