Delicious Waffle with Honey الوافل اللذيذ بالعسل 2024.

Delicious Waffle with Honey

الوافل ط§ظ„ظ„ط°ظٹط° بالعسل


2 glasses Flour
4 tea spoons Biking powder + 1 tea spoon Salt
4 Eggs yolk + 4 Eggs White + Vanilla
1+1/2 Glass liquid Milk
(2 glasses Creme (whipping creme

Method of Preparation

Prepare the Waffle machine, mix the dry ingredients
Together, then separate the white eggs from the yolk
Then add the yolk to the milk, and then mix it with the dry
Ingredients, and add the butter or the margarine, beat the
White eggs until its freezing, then add it to the mixture
Without mixing it, then put little from the mixture in the
Machine and close the above cover, bake it until its reddish,
Stuffed the middle of each piece with fresh crème and the honey.
Then serve it.

page: 265

Delicious Waffle with Honey hg,htg hgg`d` fhgusg

يعآفيك ربي لآهنتِ ع الآنتقآء المتميز

Indian kabsa with chickpeas كبسة هندية بالحمص 2024.

Indian kabsa with chickpeas

كبسة ظ‡ظ†ط¯ظٹط© بالحمص


2 glass basmati rice
1/2 chicken cut with bones
1 small onion cut
1 big hot paper
1/2 glass Chickpeas
2 big spoon carry
1 medium spoon turmeric
Masala spices or graham masala for chicken
1 big spoon tandoori spices
1 tea spoon rice color
Salt as desire

Method of Preparation

Cut the onion into small pieces and roast it in the oil.
Then cut the chicken and spice it with tandoori spices, the carry, and the salt, add them all to the onion with the big hot paper.
Stir the chicken until it start to be ready then add the rest of the spices, the chickpeas , the hot green paper after you cut it into small pieces.
Add the drenched rice and cover it with boiled water , cover it until the water is less , ten melt the food color into two spoons of water , spread them on the rice , cover it until it’s cooked..

page: 357

Indian kabsa with chickpeas ;fsm ik]dm fhgplw

Rice with red pea أرز الفاصوليا الحمراء 2024.

Rice with red pea

أرز ط§ظ„ظپط§طµظˆظ„ظٹط§ الحمراء


1 glass Egyptian rice
½ glass can pee
1 table spoon tomato paste
1 small spoon food color
1 spoon butter
()Salt (as desire

Method of Preparation

Boil the Rice with the sauce and the food color, the oil, and the salt until it’s almost cooked. In another pan melt the butter , cut the onion into small pieces and stir them well then add the pee with it’s water, and dash of salt, then add it to the Rice , mix it well together , then serve it.

page: 407

Rice with red pea Hv. hgthw,gdh hgplvhx

FRUITES WITH ICE CREAM فواكه بالأيسكريم 2024.


فواكه بالأيسكريم



Method of Preparation

Grape a glass and start arrange banana slices then the kiwi , and add little from the mango juice ( around 2 table spoon ) , then the red jelly squares .
And continue by putting the ice CREAM until the glass is full then add
POMEGRANATE GRAINS and the green jelly…
Put the biscuit and coco grain ass topping.

page: 44


ربي يسلمك ويسلم قلبك على روعة طرحك

ننتظر منك الكثير من خلال إبداعاتك المميزة

Cheese Cake with Toffee تشيزكيك بالتوفي 2024.

Cheese Cake with Toffee

تشيزكيك بالتوفي


(1 pack digestive biscuit (250g
¾ Butter bar
1 cans Creme
(1 cans Philadelphia chesses or (12 pieces from Keri cheese
(1+ ½ Glass liquid Creme (whipping cream
6 table spoons iced Sugar
1 Jelly Lemon
Shredded Chocolate + 1 Banana sliced
(Toffee (liquid

(Toffee is a bout 1 cup sugar barn it on the oven and add to it 1 big spoon creme, and 1 glass from caramel syrup, and stir them well)

Method of Preparation

Smash the biscuit, then add to it the butter , and stir them well until they toast , then spread it in the Cheese Cake mould , spread iced sugar , and put it in the refrigerator to be solid.
Whips the crème with the sugar , put it in the refrigerator , then whips the Cheese with the crème, then add the jelly, and stir ( prepare the jelly before you add it to the Cheese mixture, by mixing the jelly powder with half cup of boiled water , and leave it to cool down), then add it ..
Stir the mixture well, then add the crème on it, stir it with the spoon (don’t use the electronic mixer)
Grape the Cheese Cake mould that you put the biscuit in side it, add the Toffee on it on top of it add the banana slices , then add the crème mixture , and spread the chocolate on the surface , keep it in the refrigerator for the next day, and serve it cold…

page: 256

Cheese Cake with Toffee jad.;d; fhgj,td

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea الأرز الصيني بالروبيان 2024.

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea

الأرز ط§ظ„طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالروبيان والبسلة


500g small shrimp peeled, cleaned, and washed
3 rod green onion sliced into circles
Pieces carrot cut into small cubes
1 small glass pea
1/2 tea cup cooking oil +1tea spoon salt
1 small spoon garlic powder
1 tea spoon turmeric+1table spoon grounded ginger

Rice ingredients
1+1/2 glass basmati rice
1 table spoon salt
7 grains cardamom
1/2 tea cup cooking oil Boiling water

Method of Preparation

Wash the rice good with hot water few times, then drench it in hot Waterford 15 minutes, then wash it again with hot water and drain it.
Bring the pressure pot and add the rice, the oil, the salt, and the cardamom. add the hot water to it until it will be around one cm above the rice, then cover it good, and put it on high heat until you hear the weasel voice, the you decrease the heat and leave it from 5-7 min.
During that time prepare a big oven pan add the green onion in it and the oil and stir it for two minutes.
Add the shrimp to the onion and stir them for another two minutes.
Remove the rice away and leave it on side for ten minutes until it absorb the water well before you open the cover.
Add the carrot, the pea to the shrimp, and stir them, then add half cup of boiled water to the shrimp, the salt, the ginger, the garlic, and the turmeric stir them well.
You fried the egg, the carrot, the garlic, and the onion, stir them well, then add the shrimps and stir them well,

Cover the pan with another one at the same size or by aluminum foil, so the steam will not be out, and leave it on low heat for 10 minutes to absorb the water, and then remove it, and this how it looks after ten mentis.
Remove the cover and how is the rice look.
Remove the heal from the rice , then add it to the shrimp mix , and stir good so the shrimp will be mix with the rice , put it in the serving plate and serve it..

page: 412

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea hgHv. hgwdkd fhgv,fdhk>>

KIWI JUICE WITH CRME عصير الكيوي بالقشطة 2024.


عصير ط§ظ„ظƒظٹظˆظٹ بالقشطة


4 pieces kiwi
2 glass cold water
125g honey
Fresh crème or qimar

Method of Preparation

Cut the KIWI and put it in the mixer and add the water until they mix together, then add the crème, the honey
and the rest of the water, mix them all .grape a glass and serve it…

page: 21

KIWI JUICE WITH CRME>>>>uwdv hg;d,d fhgra’m

Chicken tart with vegetables تارت الدجاج بالخضار 2024.

Chicken tart with vegetables

تارت ط§ظ„ط¯ط¬ط§ط¬ بالخضار


1glass flour + salt
1butter bar (100g) + Egg

Chicken breast cut into cubes
Onion medium sliced
Carrot sliced
Zucchini sliced
1table spoon butter + salt+ black pepper + spices

2eggs +2table spoon mayonnaise + salt+ black pepper

Method of Preparation

Mix the flour, butter, eggs and pastes them together. Spread it and cover the Mould with it, and use the fork to make holes in the bottom…
Melt the butter in the pan and add the Chicken until it’s roasted , then add the onion , spices , black pepper ,and the vegetables, stir them well , until cooked, then put it in the pasty mould .
Mix the topping ingredients together, and put it over the stuffing, and spread the lack paper, bakes the tart in the oven on medium heat and roasts the top…

page: 106

Chicken tart with vegetables jhvj hg][h[ fhgoqhv

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel بسبوسة بالنارجيل 2024.

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel

بسبوسة بالنارجيل


1 glass Semolina + ½ glass Flour
1 glass Sugar + 1 glass Milk liquid
1 glass coconuts + 1 glass Oil
2 Eggs + Dash of Vanilla
½ big spoon Biking powder
(½ glass shira (syrup) (boil 2 glasses of sugar + 1 glass water + dash of saffron

Method of Preparation

Add in the cake mixer the ( sugar + eggs + vanilla ) until its color becomes white, then add the oil, continue whipping , then add the milk , then the semolina , then the flour , and continue mixing , then add the coconuts, and the biking powder.
Flow the mixture in a tray oven paint with little of oil, put it in the hot oven for half an hour on ( 160 degrees) , roast it from above , take it out from the oven , and cut it into squares pieces, and spread the shira on it, then serve it..

page: 270

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel fsf,sm fhgkhv[dg

الله يعطيكـِ العافيه يارب

يعطيك, العافية..
كلّ الشكرُ ,والتقديرلك

Barata bread with potato stuffing خبز البراتا بحشوة . 2024.

Barata bread with potato stuffing

خبز ط§ظ„ط¨ط±ط§طھط§ ط¨ط­ط´ظˆط© البطاطس


For bread
2+1/2 brown flour + 1 glass water + 1/4 spoon salt+ 6 spoons oil

Boiled potatoes shredded and add salt on it and two spoons vinegar, and green mince coriander and 1/2 spoon turmeric and powder hot sauce.

Method of Preparation

For dough
Mix all with hands or mixer until it becomes one piece, and then roll it like medium balls.
Cover it to rest for en minuets, ten hold each ball and roll it in the brown flour, and spread it like circle.

For stuffing: mix all together and roll it like balks , and stuff the dough with them, then close the dough edges , and outspread it again like circle.

Heat the Saj or a regale pan and roast the bread from the both sides, and it will be puffing from inside, and serve it.

page: 315

Barata bread with potato stuffing of. hgfvhjh fpa,m >>>>>